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I usually don't comment under games but this one really hit me. I got a bad ending first then the Hope ending. The way the characters communicate and act feels so real. Please, if you're having trouble, ask for help. You are worthy. You deserve everything. There are people in the world who loves you and cares for you and will definitely miss you when you're gone. Talk to them. Please don't think that you have to do this on your own.

how do you get the hope ending? that's the only one i have yet to unlock

you just choose to be with her at all times basically

Spoiler Alert (Walkthrough for Hope Ending)

This is completely based on what I did by the way:

1. Go to laptop, you can choose to accept the message or not I don’t think it matters but don’t reply with anything.

2. Keep working until the main character says she hears voices from May’s room.

3. Go knock on May’s door and ask her to hang out. Tell her to take a break.

4. Talk to her about her day, the sky, but not about your dream yet. When she starts getting sad, don’t mention depression.

5. Say that you understand and that you can help.

6. Talk to her about your dream. Ask about her dreams.

7. Let time pass.

8. It’s now afternoon, May’s door’s open. She’s not there. Go to the bathroom.

9. Ask her if she’s really okay. Hug her when she tries to leave.

10. Don’t ask her why she’s sad, just wait.


(2 edits)

I got 2 bad endings and now what i think is the good ending. Im scared to play again because i don't want another bad one.

edit: I don't know if that ending was good or not? The survivor ending. THe last option was to text or to forget. Would I have gotten a ending I already have?

edit 2: same ending but different image.

Final Thoughts about the Game: Wonderful game, I love the art style and hwow the story pans out in each path. I Like that the game took on such a dark topic and handled it so well without it becoming cliche. Good game solid 8/10

I got the "hope" ending, not sure if its the most positive outcome, but it felt like it. I have played multiple times and for some reason I can't get the survivor ending, I just get the "missed message", "forgiven" and "hope" ending.


This game is honestly so beautiful and so sad it gets me in my feels :'( I love it so much you did a great job on this. So proud!

gorgeous game. it hit really close to me. 

Once again, another beautiful piece from yours truly. Hitting on some deep dark subjects, but yet still able to find a sense of hope. I've played majority of your games and loved every single one. The art, music, and various paths for 'missed messages.' were amazing. Expected nothing less!

Can't wait for your next project!

wow, this game is just amazing, every moment of this little game really meant to me, and this really got a special message for me. thank you, angela. you're incridible.


As a trans person, I gotta ask: is the trans pride flag on the wall to suggest the main character is trans? Or just meant to show she supports trans people, or something?


as a fellow trans person I assumed it was there to let the player decide on their own the situation. 

Ahh yeah that makes sense :P

If so that's pretty considerate tbh.


This is stunning. Of  the few games of yours I played, this is my favourite.


The talk with May... Felt pretty realistic, and so the whole game...
I'm not original, but it's a rollercoaster of emotions: memes, that make you laugh, then a date, that makes you happy, but if some people remember May and her singing for you, they feel malinchonic at the same time, because they left her alone. And then, at home, you feel guilty. So guilty.

Then, on another run, you talk with May.
Pretty awkward at the start, but sometimes she opens to the main character, us.
I... Really felt that scene. It's just beautiful.

This game is just beautiful, great work Angela ^^


AHH SUCH AN AMAZING GAME alsoooo this made my day anything fall out boy makes me smile ngl

I tried to post this on steam but I'm still a new account so it wouldn't let me but he's a draft of what I wrote

"its a sad but beautiful game, i wished i could have both Amy and the hope endings but i guess thats a thing that makes this game a roller coaster of emotions, its also amazing to let your imagination run wild about what becomes of the character after each ending and even the one with Amy. This game covers topics that are sad but a reality, it is a beautiful and poetic game with sad or happy endings. I think i should end this review before i spill the beans on this entire game for those of you looking to read the review on the game before downloading it. All i have to say is that it is a short but also a massive game with an even bigger message behind it so download it, try it, and learn from it."

Amazing game, strong writing and beautiful art!
Words cannot describe how much we Love your work in general Angela He.

Don't watch the video's, you need to play this amazing experience yourself.

This was lovely. I cried when I first letted May die. If you want her to stay alive, you have to ignore the goth gf. Try to talk to may. When you stopped talking with her. Check on the bathroom. She's cutting there. hug her. Happy end will come.
I was hit by this, because I have a friend who is in this situation....

This game is absolutely stunning. Not only is the art breathtaking, but the story drove me to tears. All your games are so intelligently crafted and I just enjoyed my gameplay. :,-


For many people nowadays, friends are just numbers or just someone to hang out, but friendship is also really caring about your friends, everyone has problems (some bigger ones that end up causing depression) and it doesn't cost to know if they're ok. And even though they look happy, depression is so common, we should always be mindful of those we love! ♥ If you identified with May, get help, I know sometimes it's hard to open up to talk for fear that the person won't understand you, but they just have to listen. I'm also here if anyone needs to talk :)

I just started reviewing and your game was the first! I hope that's okay. If not let me know and I will take it down.

The game was so beautiful ! I managed to get the hope ending on my second playthrough and I'm kinda proud of it x3 (also I got the four endings with four playthrough and I'm proud of it too xD) Joke apart, the character of May really hit me home : the reason why she's depressed, cutting herself... and seeing her in the missing ending really kind of.. scared me ? I dunno but I'm just happy that I played this game at a moment like this in my life ^^ I'm struggling with depression since many years now but playing game like this just kinda remind me that it worth the fight so... thank you for this amazing game ! (btw this makes me really confirm my bisexuality, May is so fricking cute x3)

(3 edits)

What a ride, this game was great for a variety of reasons. Beautiful art, great writing, and showcasing a lot of underrepresented ideas in games (hooray for pride flags!). I managed to get two of the endings and had a fantastic time with the game, thank you!

just got to the two endings hope and....survivor really good, i feel the same way as may, but i really don't know how to get to the other endings.

I've had this downloaded for a while and I regret taking to so long to play it. This is a good representation of depression, at least for me so i suppose it was just easy for me to identify with. Here's my video on it

Wow! This game is hauntingly beautiful and scary at the same time. Seeing and knowing what May was going through made my gut drop. I thought the second chance for the second playthrough was a good decision since it kind of made me see how I can approach a friend who might be in need. 

Also, you nailed the mood with the music and the art is amazing!


Not a good representation of depressed people at all. I can't take this game seriously when one of the main characters is literally a chick with a fuckin' choker and a $40 Forever 21 sweater. Wow. You're really out here fetishizing depression and suicide. Holy fuck.


great job on hating on angela. you're so fucking smart! uwu 

*sarcasm intensifies*

Deleted 1 year ago

i don't wanna be rude butttttttttttttt,,,everybody has different views on depression! its different for every person struggling with it. also hate the game, not the creator. (ps: you should really fix that childish behavior of yours!! its not gonna be good when you move on in life) :)


First of all, I know your comment is a month old, and it's not the best etiquette to still respond, but I have thought about this game a lot today and want to give my opinion regardless. Second of all:

Congratulation on missing the point!

The entire game is about how easy it is to miss the signs of depression in other people. That's why you don't get to save her on the first playthrough (if you got that far) and only get to talk to her on your second playthrough, when you already know what's going to happen. Depression can absolutely show itself in an ugly way. It can definitely look like not having showered in weeks and wearing the same pajamas again. But the point is that it can look like anyone, and that sometimes it's really hard to see.

You are claiming this is a fetishisation of depression and suicide because the suicidal girl looks too, what, normal? Happy? Priviledged? But I think you are the one Twisting your narrative of depression in an ugly way, in only allowing the people who are suffering the "right" way to be recognised as actually depressed. And it's not helping. What you are doing is just too similar to "kids in Africa have it worse". Instead of recognising that mental illnesses can affect many different people in different ways, you deny to recognise the suffering of those who are less visible. It affects people to not be seen, that's the plot of missed messages. I hope you will never need to understand.


I cried when I played this game. The fact that the creator had hit so close to home and made everything that has gone through my head in the past years had been shown in such a way that it can take others in to the minds of the ones being lost in the blizzard is haunting yet something beautiful. it helps those around us realize that there is more to every person then what seems. I would love to talk to the content creator one day, and maybe give her a few ideas or even request her bring to life one of the visual novels that I have wanted to make for a few years


This game deals with some heavy topics and Angela He shows them properly and fantastically like all of their games do. The artstyle is always lovely and the message strong! 


this is a beautiful game with amazing art and i can relate to some of this i made a video about this and it really hit me after i started editing  thank you for making this game


(I've already left this review on steam but I felt the need to leave it here too.)

This is probably one of my favorite games. Just in general. I'm in love with this game. This game made feel lots of things, and I personally felt like I could relate to some of the dialogue. I feel like other games that try to talk about these issues never really do it right, or at least not in a way that I feel is correct, but this one is perfect. I will admit, this game did make me cry. And I'm glad it did. I don't get to cry as much as I would like, and this game did that for me, and I love it. The art was beautiful, the atmosphere made me feel like I was there, and May makes my heart melt, goddamnit. So honestly, thank you Angela, for creating this game.


A relatable and visually stunning game about mental health and friendship~ Lovely as always♡♡

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the art style! So pretty! Anyway, great game! 


I love this game, just wanted to say that I think this is very nice to play, when you don't miss any messages. But I still love it though!

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a way to find the music without buying the game? I would buy it myself but i am poor and can not afford it, though i have seen other people play it. Or could someone please send me the track names? I’m sorry if this is inconvenient for somebody. Thank you in advance.


Yeah, it’s all from SoundCloud. You can look up the song names and artists in the credits.


Really interesting game with, I think, some very important messages. This is the kind of game that I think it's genuinely valuable for people to play; it's even entirely possible that it will save some lives, by the improved awareness it raises in its players. [spoilers ahead] 

It's kind of brilliant how the game at first just seems to be some kind of lighthearted romantic story, or at most like this "goth gf" is going to turn out to have some personal issues that need working out; and that makes the sudden turn with your roommate hit you completely off guard, which is the perfect way of evoking in the player the emotions of how sudden and devastating an impact suicide can have on everyone around the victim. I can see an argument that it's kind of unfair the way it's basically impossible to catch your roommate's issues on the first issue even if you're trying to pay attention to anything, since you can't do anything without stepping away from your computer in the middle of your conversation (which there are no hints to do and which is kind of awkward with the interface); but I think that lends to the point of how hard (and maybe sometimes impossible) it can be to catch the warning signs of suicidal thoughts. 

Honestly, when that dream sequence started at the start of my second playthrough I was expecting this to turn out to be game like "One Chance" where if you try to start a new game it just puts you back into the ending where she's already dead, emphasizing that there are no second chances after someone dies; and that might have been effective, but allowing you to go again and talk to your roommate and help save her by listening to her and supporting her DOES send a more proactive sort of message about how you CAN reach out to people in that sort of situation, which is probably a more important lesson to put out into the world. 

If I have one criticism, it's that it's a little TOO easy to get your roommate to confide in you and to help her out once you actually talk to her, and that some the dialogue in the good endings is kind of cheesy and a little too saccharine.  That, combined with the ability to replay after getting the bad ending and change things to a happy outcome, makes the good endings feel more like a bit of dreamy wish fulfillment than like reality; however, if this really was based on true experiences, and for anyone who's really had to deal with someone they know committing suicide... I can completely understand wanting to include the chance to end on a bit of cheerful wish fulfillment, rather than the dark finality of reality.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

I don't really think that's a fair criticism, as someone who suffers from suicide ideation and has attempted multiple times: Most people don't want to die. Most people want to be heard. Most of us will grasp at any "sign" that we shouldn't do it that we can. I don't think she opened up too quickly, that's like, fair to how a lot of us handle it. The road to recovery isn't as quick and easy as the good ending made it out to be, but it makes sense for the game that it is.

And as someone who lost a very close friend to suicide, maybe the dialogue is saccharine, maybe it is a bit head-in-the-clouds, but god, did it feel good to play through. Because I wasn't there. And I couldn't stop it. And it was really nice to have the opportunity to.


I a new here and want to play the game someone plz tell me TwT

(1 edit)

I'm on pc so i have no idea what it looks like on android, but in pc, you click the download button, and then you click the ''No thanks,just take me to the downloads'' then click the top and click the bottom and there you go!


Amazing game!


you can tell some of the dialogue is from the heart. i really felt it. also the trans flag and junji ito's name really caught my eye when i played :0


I really Want to play plz tell me how TwT

(1 edit) (+1)

You gotta stop spamming in the comments.

Anyways, unzip the downloaded file, open "missed messages"

folder, open "missedmessagesWindows" then click the exe file "missedmessages..exe" and there you go! :)

Or alternatively, using the itch app, press launch. Voila!


click link

i’m 90% sure that’s a virus


Does anyone know the song on the main menu? :<


"It's just another day" by ktvsky


losing interest


another awesome game like it ^_^ 

but man it's just hit the feeling 


Is the Protagonist Transgender?


dude no. why would she be?


she did have the transgender flag in her room so i think that either she herself is transgender, or she was supporting a friend/the transgender community


I don't know. She had the trans flag, so that's what I suspect.


This game is a emotional masterpiece. Everything from music to art is amazing. i hope to see other amazing games from you in the future.


I love this game so much. But I really wanna know how you made it? I wanna make one like this and I don't know how...

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