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This is the first time a game made me cry, please keep doing what you are doing this game was touching

That was really touching... I love how at the start screen the message covers her head. Didn't notice that at first.

(1 edit)

I love the music in this game so much!


you can find them all on Soundcloud! (music credits are in About from the menu)


the game is very pretty it has a beutiful art :]

but you should put a exit button on the settings please [im sorry for be rude but i dont write in english very well]

i love it your game ;3

Thank you for teaching that's it's okay to feel these feels one game at a time. Love your games, love your artworks

Thank you for creating such a special game. The world needed this. I can't express how much I love and adore this. From the art to the dialogue. You have created a masterpiece. Thanks again.

(1 edit)

I cried after my second ending.
I love your games, your style, and this time, your writing. I've been slowly healing and recovering from depression, and your dialogues are very natural and raw.



This game definitely caught me off guard. This is a well told story and brings awareness to depression suicide and how it's a very patient thing and takes time. I appreciate the creators for putting this out there .
Here my gameplay on it.



I came from Steam and just tried to pass all of the endings. Thanks for creating such a great game, Angela. I would like to say it is a piece of art! The music and those pictures were just amazing!!!!

All in all ,the content was impressive and it's easy to immerse in it, especially for me haha. I am a Chinese student in Vancouver and I know how does it feel for a lonely international student. Sometimes I feel depressed due to all those fking pressures, and you are right, the help provided by the school(at least my school) was so little. The only thing they care about is DONT FKING KILL UR SELF AND RUIN THE BIG NAME OF  THE SCHOOL. You must know a lot about our lives studying in a foreign country. And I do have the same feeling when once I chose the option"listen to what did May's mom say". Sometimes my mom was like that and I felt the duty to save May!!!!

I have passed the 4 endings, but I wish there were more opportunities. I mean can May be my gf!!!! There was a time I decided to share the meme stuffs to May and she asked if I was in love with Amy.  I was like: Ummmm, cutie, I do have some one in my mind and that's you!!! And you left an answer similar to my thought. I kept trying to ask May out for a movie but it didn't work.

I noticed that May said she wrote a Harry Potter Fan fiction about devil and gay Potter. I am wondering is May a 腐女? If yes, I wish I could see another love ending in the future. Sorry I just love this game so much. May is so adorable and how can we not falling in love with her!!

Another recommendation: You can try to contact some streamers on and they will definitely love to help make it more popular and you might get more financial support from the site.

I really enjoyed this game

pls help, I cant press start the game


can you redownload it then copy and paste your log file? They can be found here:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
  • Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Angela He\missed messages\Player.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Angela He/missed messages/Player.log
Deleted 5 years ago

Thank you for making this game, it really got to me and I think it helped since May is probably the most relatable character for me. I cried during the convo honestly and it was like hearing everything I wish I heard. This was a really powerful story.

Absolutely incredible and seriously moving. Really makes you feel something, especially when the story is paired with such beautiful art. You have such astounding talent. This was so powerful. Thank you.

(3 edits)

I loved it, it's truly emotional, and also made me cry. Literally everything was powerful, the art, the story, the meaning. Beautiful, in a unhappy way. I'm breathless and I have no more words to describe how wonderful is this game. Thank you.

Truly emotional and touching. It's not too often that I can sit down with a game and truly feel something from it. I lose my mind over the beautiful imagery and gorgeous art.

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that if you meant the Goodies folder to be the one with the unlockable wallpapers for 5$, there's currently a mistake and it can be downloaded for free

thanks, fixed!!


this is really powerful and also very beautiful, in a sad way.

I'm not sure if i found every path yet, but the hope one really touched me personally as i had never before really been able to see the outside perspective of self harm...

So yeah, huge props for a great game!


Wow. Again. Angela's games never ever cease to amaze me, move me and really get me thinking about life.

missed messages is another heartfelt, heart-wrenching (and potentially heartwarming) tale showcasing Angela's hugely unique game style, with gorgeous artwork, subtle music wafting along in the background and a story (stories) that will absolutely floor you, regardless of which path you decide to take.

It's a very minimalist affair, where you interact with a few things and then decide on which way a conversation goes, but you get swept up so quickly in everything that's happening that it becomes a very personal and immersive affair every time you load the game up.

If you've enjoyed previous work from Angela, then make sure you definitely play this too. If you haven't played anything by her yet, it would be a sin to not try this out before immediately hunting down the rest of her work.

Angela, please never stop creating because you really are one of my favourites! =)

This is the best story I've ever read/downloaded and I've never commented on one before. You are -in all honesty- extremely talented to come up with this and the music gives the story more emotions. I love every ending even if its bad because of what I did in it. My favourite ending was I think its called 'hope' because May is my favourite character and I didn't want her to leave and she didn't in that one. Thank you : )


Hey anyone know where I can find the music to this game? It's very beautiful and I wanted to listen to it outside of the game.

It's in Main Menu > About ^_^

(1 edit) (+1)

I noticed that and thought the buttons on the top left of the about menu being interactive were pretty cool, as for the music, I meant more like where can I find the actual song and not just the names for the songs. Thanks in advance. Edit: I can't find "all we do is hurt each other - kaiko" but all the other songs I've been able to find.

(1 edit) (-1)

Thanks. They're on Soundcloud. Also it's 'kalko' - I'll fix that in a future vers.

(1 edit)

this game meant a lot to me. i can really relate to may's experience and it was written so real and personal that it had me crying both during and after i had completed the game. i've always kept an eye on ur games bc i think the art and stories r rlly lovely but this one is especially beautiful and i adore u now??

Having an issue where the settings menu wont go away. I pressed everything and it stays center of screen. I even got the game to start playing and had it stuck there.

Hi, click the top left (the close button) of the settings menu. I'll make it more obvious in a future version.

I feel like a dummy now XD I figured it out after a while of randomly clicking.

The plot is short, but really powerful, and the art??? It is so beautiful, and the warm color palette is so amazing, even for the cold storyline. This was a great game to play, and theres so much to unpack from it. Great job devs, ya did good.

(3 edits) (+1)

I really love this game. This game reallly hit too close at home. Im spechless honestly. if i could rate it 5 i would rate it 6! The music sets the room so well. And the topic that was discussed was.. i cant even comprehend how true that feeling was.. this game made me realised that there are actually more ppl that felt this way but just keep it inside.. but i think if people just kept it inside, one day it will explode. It really is hard to find a motivation, i dont know what matters anymore its really confusing..and it really is tiring all of this..The parents thing too, in my country mental illness sometimes isn't taken seriously. If people was mentallly ill people will just think they are crazy or even worse has been possessed or something. I have seen this happen in my family, its just really sad that this things happen sometimes. But i just want to say that i really admire this game it really teaches us soo much, and this game really hits deep for me. Thank you for making this game! I just want to make a little nice comment but i cant help myself, and im not even that great in english, so srry if its bad.




I think that would kinda ruin it. There relationship being so strong yet so purely platonic just has a feeling that wouldn't be the same with romantic involvement. I also think that it shows just how important it is for you to be vulnerable with your friends and also be there for them when they're vulnerable for you, even sacrificing a potential romantic relationship (Amy) for them.

Honestly, having the option for a romantic opportunity with May would change how much it meant for people. (For me, at least)

Generally, the importance of communication with significant others and support for each other when times are tough in relationships of a romantic nature is always talked about and highlighted, while platonic relationships take the backseat. This game, to me, shows the importance of friendships and being there for the people you care about, even outside of romance. That you shouldn't neglect your friendships because you have work to do or people to date. You need to learn to address your concerns with them and take time to look out for them, spend time with them, make sure they know just how valued they are in your and others' lives. I love to see this kind of theme take the forefront. You can be there for your loved ones, even if you're not dating each other.

As someone who isn't very romantically driven myself, it's refreshing to see a story where the main relationship remains as just a friendship instead of falling into the trope of "Oh, they care about each other so much. Thus, they must date."

As sweet as the idea of being able to have a romantic involvement with May may be, I also don't think over the course of the game that there is ever even one point where it seems like it would be a good idea for her to try. She's not in any state to jump into something like that, and trying to would only be damaging. There's a whole lot of healing, thinking and recovery that she'd need to do first. Having the option to kiss her at any point in the game as it is would feel forced and shoe-horned in.

I probably could have said this all in a much shorter, simpler way, but here's this instead.


I feel like they should just kiss and then that's it. I just want that cute scene to add to my fave pics and to write a fanfic about that pic. Of course I would be able to without the pic but I feel that it would be more fun because then more people would understand.

YES I FEEL YOU. MAY IS AMAZING. I DON'T EVEN CARE SO MUCH FOR AMY. But honestly this is an amazing game!

Holy god! This is awesome! The aesthetic, the music, the story, the human-game interaction, everything in this game is great!


I loved this game! It really made me think to make sure I made the right decisions after I got the bad ending first. You really play with emotions in this game and you want to do right. Played it twice for my channel, but will play again to see all the different paths. I loved the style and artwork and the music was amazing. Have the one song I let play in the video stuck in my head for days. 

This was absolutly beautiful! im pretty sure i played all the endings. It's so interesting, the first time i played i payed attention to the goth gf Amy i think it was?, but then after what happended i wanted to play again to see if i could prevent having that ending. I'm glad i did, the other ending was satisfying. And one thing the art OMG it's sooo good i love the aesthetic of this whole game!


Reminded me alot of Doki Doki


Totally, but this time based on a more realistic scenario

This was absolutely amazing. The amount of emotions that are felt while playing through the endings is so great. There were moments that were so emotional it sent shivers down my spine. Thank you for creating this amazing game.

(1 edit) (+4)

just to make sure~~~ are these the actual endings or are there more? [I'm kinda suspicious of the "4 endings" info you gave...

1 Missed

2 forgive

3 survivor

4 hope

I'm just saying this okay? 

I loved the game a lot and when I played the game and going on the saving may route, I was just constantly saying "I JUST WANT TO HUG MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY BEAN!!!!! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DO DE HUGS?!?!?!" and then when I finally got the option to hug I was like "FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!"

I'm sorry....I just love it so much ;-;


Haha I feel you I want to hug her too ToT

Yep! Those are the 4


Oh my god you replied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thanks for the info!!

I hope you can make more wonderful, creative, and relatable games like this in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful <3 I loved so much that I shared it to my friends and now they wont stop constantly asking me if they're a good friend or if I'm depressed XD I can't really relate to the story from may's side but I can relate to the main character's POV

Anyway, I loved this and I hope you make more wonderful content like this!!

P.S. I see that you also love Junji Ito's collection~~~ SAME!!!!!

This is amazing. From the heartwarming story to the colorful backgrounds, it really got to me. I think I got all of the endings by choosing different actions each time I played the game. I noticed the differences in the two versions such as  you can talk with Amy IRL and you can talk to May before leaving the dorm. I can’t wait to see what the story will be. 20 / 10

I absolutely fell in love with this game, the art the music everything about it is amazing. I'm gonna be looking forward to your future games. Keep up the absolutely phenomenal work
(1 edit) (+3)

Angela, this is amazing. Your games are getting better and better. I could really "absorb" myself into the game's world and feel the emotions, as if I'm actually there, the art, colours and the "dream" you put caught me by surprised when resetting/starting the game for the 2nd time. The "pastel" sound effect for the dialogue, and I liked the "chilling" part ("chilling" under the sun or sky as time passes), the little details, like the tea. The art is really well done, and I really do see big improvements in the aesthetics.

Keep it up, I know you'll get millions of downloads if you release a 3-hour game on Steam in the future as well (if you do). A true inspiration to players and game developers.

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow, this game was like katharsis to me. I see myself in Amy and May both and I am positive I'm not the only one. Everything - this aesthetic backgrounds, sprites, music was like in perfect harmony. Great visual novel <3


Again, one of best visual Novels I have ever played. The Fact that its based on a Real-Life-Experience just makes it even more sad. I cant really write much about it now, because I just played it and also, sorry for donating nothing, I dont have much right now, but you can be sure that Im going to donate some as soon as I can.

Love, Markus, one of biggest Fans (probably).

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