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The controls are kinda confusing for me, only because my brain cant work right now cuz i have exam tomorrow and my eyes are tired, but its a great game, very cute! but I cant understand why the music is kinda creepy when its night, it scares me ;-;


Because the characters and order get creepy too. and this is the game description "cats, ducks, and mysterious beings galore 。.。:+* all manners of creatures line down the block to get your signature drinks! but how long can you keep the cafe open, when strange customers arise in the night? 👻"

so the creators do it on purpose..

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Do you think its possible to make it save-able for the web version? If not thats perfectly fine. Is it save-able for the downloaded version? A pause feature would be great as well. :)

savable for downloaded, definitely. Pause with esc or c. saving system for web is a little flaky so if you care about that a lot I'd recommend downloading

Oh okay! I see, I'll download it then! :)

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Good Job!!

i love thisss hehe i wish i could use the mouse to play tho wasd can be difficult 


super cute! I panicked at first cuz they kept storming out when I started haha, but I got the hang of it

This game is really cute! The recipes are a bit much for a beginner player but I'm sure if I kept on playing I would have a few memorized. I also like how there isn't too much of a punishment if you don't do a few orders other than the customers storming out. Puts less pressure on me haha.

Whipped topping is frothed milk, cheese foam is with the toppings like boba and cookies.

generally an adorbs game but where is the whipped topping i keep getting orders with because every time i try and make something it ends up looking like some tar pit lol please help *bows* thanks

on the back wall right behind the computer is a big menu that you can press e on to see the recipes :] the whipped topping is just foam

omg first of all super fast response second of all tysm i love your work =3

ah im not the person who made this game haha! the fast response was a coincidence im afraid

THANKS!!! I got like 10 pissed off customers because of missing this

so cute!! love the visuals. i must say i am a bit stewpid because i still dew not know how to make any of the food items LOL

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just look at the menu board at the back wall, beside the table with the cups and plates

what are we supposed to do with the bird rock flyer lol


just press the spacebar, this makes you "accept" the bird rock flyer. But remember to throw it in the trash afterwards so u don't accidentally give a different customer a bird rock flyer lol


very cute and cool, but after day 8, I stopped playing since it was pretty repetative. Maybe there could be a calendar so I can kind-of see a record of my past days? and a shop so I can spend the money?

this is a game jam

the update is so great!! i love the new characters and recipes :3 i keep coming back to this game- it's the best!

kool game

kool game i stayed up until 2 am playing this :] also kinda wish something changed later on in but tis still amazing

LOVED this!! the little instructions pop-up at the very start was super helpful, and while some orders took a bit of trial-and-error (esp those spooky nightcomers), that was definitely part of the fun :) the vibes are lovely and the art and music fit together so so well, and anything that lets you pet the cat is an A+ in my book 


It's a good game but in the beginning I had no idea the recipes so I think it would be really helpful to have some sort tutorial to tell you how to use everything.  I also find it frustrating when the customers leave while they are waiting in line.


Really cute game, i love the design but the gameplay itself is really difficult and confusing. If i could make same changes they would be:

- Making a tutorial (i almost quit the game because i didn't know it had a menu)
- Making costumers patience last longer at least for the first days because right now you can't make 1 single mistake or you loose at least 3 or 4 costumers in a roll witch is really frustating
- Since the milk itself is put on the side of the cup until ou mix them into the machine it would be nice if you could go to the frige only once and put the ice and get the milk at the same time instead of having to go : fridge-ice-machine-coffe-fridge-milk-machine-mix... It would way cleaner and enjoyable if it could be: fridge-ice and milk-machine-coffe and mix.
- It would be nice as well if we could use the mouse to select things instead of just the keyboard since i always went to the pan trying to go to the coffe machine because of the down button.

These were my firsts impressions and tips of gameplay, but overwall the game is really pretty and i love the variaety of costumers (with all beein really unic and fun - or terryfing haha) loved so much! If you could improve the gameplay it would end up even better <3


1. This is a game jam, 2. before you even start playing the game tells you that the menu are the instructions.

1. Thats no need to me arrogant its just my point of view on changes that could make de game better in case they want to improve it.

2. Even beeing only a game jam game, for developers it's nice to have some feedback on what could have been done better for the next time or even for a comercial game in the future. The comments are there so people can say what where their impressions of it. In general I loved it (the design is really nice, the cute and wierd/spooky characters are realy cool, and I love the Coffe Shop Theme), just thought it could have some simple improvemente on the gameplay and it could be way smoother and nicier to play.

3. Yeh! I noticed it but only on the second try around because it was "washed out", difficult to see on a firts look and i passed trough it without even noticing. As an importante informantion as it is (without this you can't play) it shoud be more visible, maybe with more colors or even with a tiny tutorial showing where it is. Because just as you noticed (since a saw that you replayed some people to look at the menu) i wasn't the only one with this problem. 

i really enjoy this game! but i was hoping there was a shop since earning money everyday in the game seems useless if there isn't  shop.

Animasyonu bu tarz olan oyunları çok seviyorum. Oyun  PCden oynayınca biraz el yoruyor ama onun dışında animasyonları gerçekten müthiş.


ooh it'd be interesting if we could buy stuff with the money that we earn :DD like more ingredients or different interior decor!! so far rly enjoyed this game


loved the update!!

Such a wholesome, cute and all-around feel good game. I adore this!

I'm so stressed out because of the food update and I absolutely love it omg

I loveloveLOVE this game! I have been a fan of you for SO long and I try my hardest to play all of your games(having no pc doesn't help). I played this game when it first came out and loved it! It took a second to get used to the controls, but I eventually got the hang of it! For it to have an update this soon is crazy, and for the update to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G is also crazy! I love this game, and all your others! I play it EVERYDAY! I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of your work! Keep it up, Angela He. - Froggy

nice game

best game ever

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i love this game so much... omg it's so cute! thank you for making this! ^^


Really fun game but had a hard time getting to the stove top and the toast and eggs always burned because of it.

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yeahh it's super cute that food was added!! but the part with the stove/ espresso machine is harder to navigate now. (update: got used to it hehe)


THEY STOLE MY OG IDEA!!! that's so cool!


lol sorry idk who you are


oh no its ok btw im a king of cats cuz u said you dont know who i am and also im a youtuber


HEY!! I own the original cat café from 4 years ago I love cats and I made a building in a game called cat café


super cute game and art! but i agree the learning curve is really steep at the start :( a tutorial would help immensely, also i think the timer should only start when you get the customer's order and not when they start queuing, it's quite unreasonable otherwise


watch it

Love the style of this game!!! its so weird but cute! <3


Heyy ! Can I ask what engine did you use to create this wonderful game ? :D

Looks like Unity.

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how do make anything?

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I also struggled a lot to make any recipe at all, everything turned into the grey goo. I was very close to giving up on this game when I noticed the MENU on the wall! Interact with it and all steps should be clear! 



Ok, so I can't find my other comment so I can't edit that but the update is really nice with all the new toppings and food. Some stuff has been moved around so I have to try and get used to it but overall it is a nice and cute game. 


This game is genuinely so adorable and is just so fun!!!!



ITs a bit hectic to figure out at first and you'll be in debt for a while but eventually you get the hang of it and you make so much money!

The character designs are hilarious and cute. And the graphics are amazing! Its so fun and I would definitely recommend to friends!


aaah i adore it!!! this is the cutest game i've ever seen and it's so fun to play during school when everything's slow!!

it's funny bc i'll be playing it and i'll be clicking the buttons super fast and flub an order and people are like what are you playing?? sounds like some shooter game or somethin?? but then they look over and realize that it's just some disgruntled customer that idk how to serve :)

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