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also sometimes the game decides to just be dumb and make my cats do random stuff like literally just walk into the other teams cats, or something dumb like that.  Something is most definitely wrong with this game, but its cute at least!


(hitboxes?)  are wack

I just love how all the cats bob up and down at the same time :P

Cuteness overloaaad!!!

lol :)

The most adorable game I have ever seen!  ^w^


Bred: Bet you haven't seen a pure bred like me before!

Me: Has a Bred in my party.

Also me: U lied. So you must be attacked by yourself.

Good game!



(1 edit) (+1)

so fun!! reminds  me of this fun app called bread kittens, but this is 100x cuter.

black screen while trying to explore :(

same :(

hhh same

How do I beat the ghost cats?

Use either 'comfort' or 'deal' in order to defeat them without having a need for battle

What if you don't have those actions? Do you just have to progress further in the game?

You should have Comfort though. Lil Sprout has it.

Here's a tip if you can't beat the Cloud king. use the brown cat or any cat with the hugging act. it's a win win.

dont have a cat with Hugging Act. Cannot buy one either. Cannot get a random one either

It won't let me sign up for an account.



Hi! I just purchased I woke up next to you, and it doesn't work for my latest version of mac. What can I do?

(5 edits) (+1)

How to beat (6) of the  lvl's without battling. 

-Have any Hugging cat hug  Persian

-Have any hugging cat hug Old Man Marvin

-Have bred as your team-mate and have him feed Lala and Grumpy OR Have Old Man Marvin as your team-mate and have him tell Lala and Grumpy a story

-Have UwU (or any other comforting cat) as your team-mate and have them comfort Leaf

-Have any hugging/comforting cat comfort Death

-Have Bred feed Fat cat

(I'll tell ya'll more later-)

hi, if you still play wholesome cats, help me out! (or not)

have you gotten to the fields area? i have, and i can't defeat princess leaf(idk if thats correct)

have you defeated her without any physical movement? if so, could you tell me wich action it is?? ty

I'm afraid I have forgotten how- 

you might wanna try some comforting moves though.

I think it's comfort, don't know for sure though

Deleted 3 years ago

uwu doesn't have comfort! uwu has Love, which is good for bye, leaf

The game is starting to become buggy. First it was the 'cat dispenser' (is what I like to call it) won't show the cat category, second it didn't get me any cats when I get a random cat so my coins were wasted, I refreshed the page and it things didn't change. (since I was hoping it was a one time occurrence so I kept trying), and now in the middle of a fight it just stops working in all with the cats standing there awkwardly glitched out. And I can't exit the battle at all when it happens so I'd have to restart the whole page again. ;~;

I've only been playing for about a week. I didn't think much of the bug hoping it was just a one time thing as I mentioned before.

Yeah this happened to me too, i'm really confused. If anyone know how to fix this problem please reply. I don't want to loose my progress. I only have problem with the cat dispenser and the category. 

Same, also I HATE WASTING!!!!!!

(1 edit)

The reason you didn't get any cats is because you have to many cats. I have no idea whats going on with the  'cats standing there awkwardly glitched out.' though.

I don't have that many cats. I only have 4 in all

I guess the game  doesn't want you to get other cats that way? 

you could always just pick the ones you want.

I don't have that many cats. I only have 4 in all

Now it deleted all my progress and I can't log back in.

can't beat "leaf's help" in the field, can anybody help?

i've tried using the "meow" and "boop" acts after reading sleepy's "think" that someone should comfort her, how do i do that?

please help!

Maybe try UwU (if you have him) and click "Comfort"

uwu doesn't have Comfort! Lil Sprout, Fire Cat, and Pixel Cat do have it though.

Uwu is useful against Bye, Leaf, when you do the Love Act its an automatic win. Keep a space for Caticorn!


1 star, not enough jojo references. 


can't login *sighs*


i put the X thing while verifying the email now i can't be on a account please help.....

I can't log in, reeeeee. ;-;

i cant beat lvl 4 this game is hard as all h3ll

Which Level Four?

the internetone

It won't let me delete my account...


Why would you want to

I have another game on my phone. I want to save it, and I don't want the version I have on my computer.


Theres this glitch where if you put a coin on the cat box and the paper comes out theres nothing there and you just wasted a coin. :(


yea that keeps happening to me and it's really annoying :(




On top of that problem, I've been purchasing the upgraded slots with only two or three cats and it won't let me buy any more cats (even though the wording implies you can have up to 8 cats without the first upgrade)


agreed. same issue. PLS FIX. (not twying to be rude to developer hooman.)

Hi,Angela . I just made a fan art for this game. And i may discover more rare cats ,and draw them in different videos. Hope you love it

so cute! 💖

yeah love them

(1 edit)

So, is it easier to just play with two cats?? Mine keep bumping into each other and don't attack. Or am I missing the turn order? I can't make half of the attacks

(1 edit) (+1)

I also created an account but it won't let me log-in after verifying my e-mail

im having the same problem :(

same :(

Same, mine keep pushing each other aroun

I've been playing it where I put the higher speed range attack cats in the back so it pushes everyone else up and it balances out the problem a little bit!

it is cute!! but i wasted all my gold coins trying to get random cats...and got none? :(

It's a glitch


a really annoying one too

Agreed. Angela, can you please fix this? Please???? It's starting to get on my nerves

Yea, please fix the glitch

It wont let me click anything :(

It's so Cute I love it

It's super frustrating I can't create an account and log into it. I would continue the game if you fix this bug please.

we have a weekly feature on our podcast called date nite, in which my partner and i play video games together. we had a tremendous time with this game and enjoyed it  a lot! playing other games from you angela in the future.

cute :3


When you fight cats, your cat will stop attacking if another team member is attacked. Annoying


yeah, it's very annoying and also there is no option to skip or defend so your head cat always gets destroyed while the others waste turns

Unless your head cat is Level 100


It also won't let me make an account. It says my verification link was wrong.

it did that for me, you have to create an acc and then it works


The shop is glitching for me, whenever I put a coin in nothing happens, and I don't get my coin back :(

I think that's bc if all your slots are full you don't have the capacity to get another cat. you can buy more slots with coins!

(1 edit)

Nah, I only had 3 cats at the time. Oh well. I downloaded the mobile game and started over, finished it and had a blast :)

I haven’t played the game but I’m sure it’s gonna be a wonderful game because of all the comments!!

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