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Amazing job as usual c:  Gorgeous art, smooth interactions, cute and funny parts mixed in with the heavy topics.   The way everything moves with the mouse really adds to the dreaminess.  I liked how the happy pills are little smiley faces.  My favorite pictures were the boss and the train.

[Possible bug?]

I'm not sure if it's part of the game, but, there's a part where I can't move forward anymore.  I think it's at 11:23pm, after I've stayed late at work.  There aren't any buttons and time doesn't pass.  I can still open the menu so I'm wondering if I just haven't found what to click?

Thanks unlimitedjelly ^_^ (nice name haha) I can't seem to reproduce this; I tried doing some things that could've fixed it but are really shots in the dark. Lmk if you still get the bug.

The artwork is stunning. Wrote a review to let our fans know about your work =].

Very the beautiful visual part of, a pity that a short. As well 5/5

How do you save?

You are killing it with your games, I would love to work with you in the future, I 'm really interested in bringing surrealism to games.


I want to lay down and cry!

This game is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT!

Congratulations to everyone involved on this project!

Thank you very much guys for the experience.

Deleted post

An excellent selection of music and original graphics that extends into the field of art, like as you were being tickled by Salvador Dali's mustache actually, makes this game incredible attractive and sets the mood for the thematic intended to be discuss.

In my opinion, this game did not make it well regarding the theme for this LDJAM 41, unless of course, life and death were the incompatible things intended in this game to be mixed.

it isnt working on windows for me

What isn't working?

The game wasnt working but i downloaded the Itch app and it's fine now. :) thank you for replying.

Awesome, great to hear.

The artwork is gorgeous, and I appreciate you making a unique experience for people going through things like this <3 

Amazing art!

The music and art make it a very surreal game. Even though almost everything is alive, it still feels empty, in a good way. 

sorry i didn't take it as seriously as it was.

This game was great, the artstyle was fantastic! I wasn't quite happy with my ending but i'm excited to find out other endings. Great job! 


This is beautiful. The artwork. The music. The message. It was so incredible of you to create this masterpiece. It has so much potential to help people remember that they are not alone when the world feels like it's crashing down on them. It helps people who haven't suffered a loss of this magnitude to understand what it feels like, or at least have a decent idea. I've never personally lost a close loved one, and I couldn't imagine what it'd feel like, but this really touched me. I'm terrible at comforting people or helping people through hard times, but now that I have a bit of a better understanding, I feel like I can help. Before, I felt useless, like nothing I could say or do could comfort someone in need. I know this point-of-view is probably rare to hear about your game, but it helps everyone. Even those who you wouldn't think. Thanks so much for making this, you're amazing at what you do! (Hopefully I didn't ramble on too much. Again, I'm bad at this sort of thing)

Hey, thanks for sharing your viewpoint. I enjoyed your rambling, keep at it haha. You sound quite eloquent & open; I'm sure you'll do just fine at supporting people <3

Aw thank you! You're too nice! :D

wow this is so atmospheric and very stylized- the art is gorgeous! i really love the effect of the images moving with the mouse, really adds that special touch to make the whole experience amazing!

please. korean laguage update...If you translate it into a Google translator


I'm not good in english but i want to thank you for this game! A week ago my grandfather left me and I felt realy useless and empty. Even now it's hard for me to think clearly. Yours game helped me to better understand what I feeling now, thank you very much!
Also, sorry for bad english. For me easier to read, then write xx

Of course, I'm glad I could help! Your English is great. I know his death must be hard. I wish you luck in these dark times xo

Another excellent piece. I really enjoy your work!

This is so impressive. I'm not a visual novel expert, but this is definitely the most stylish one I've played. And you made this in a weekend, that's amazing!

Breathtaking, amazing work!  I've died twice and I'm about to go back for a third time >.<  Bravo!!

Excuse my language, but this is so goddamn beautiful. I'm literally crying right now. The art is absolutely fantastic, your art is just one of a kind, so beautiful and soft and heartfelt. The story, I can't even put it to words. I've been a fan for some time, but this is really ... this is AMAZING. You are such an inspiration, I can't even. You deserve so, so much, this is much more than a game. It touched me in ways that I didn't know I needed. Thank you so much for making this game and sharing it with us. It helps. It truly does, help a lot. It feels like someone out there understands. Thank you. I truly wish you the best, because you deserve just as much.

thanks so much <3 I'm happy you felt understood, it's a bit of what I set out to do. I'll be rereading your precious words; you sound like a really nice person so I wish you the best too <3

Interesting :)

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