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Another great piece of work by Angela! I played He Beat Her and did a vid for it last year, and then had my eyes set on the other games! I can appreciate the deeper struggles that the main character is going through. We all, in some way or another, have these struggles and need to find essential support to hold on to. I also love the beautiful  artwork and style, especially the Roof!

Great work!


Gracias por este tipo de juego. espero que hagas mas novelas como estas y, aunque aun estoy en la universidad, espero ayudar en el presupuesto cuando tenga trabajo. Gracias ^-^


I played this before watching anyone else played it (Kinda I watched 1 minute of the play throw) Then played it,this actully suffers with real life issues,Like getting more issues on your back. Getting more deppresed overdosing on pills,and overcoming that. Thats why Its  a 10/10 for me. I Hope Angela makes more short visual novels.


this is amazing.

a lot of faces past people after losing someone, and being there myself i'm happy that i had people around me to help me. many people don't understand the impact of losing someone and feeling as if you've lost everything and this game embodies how lonely you truly feel. plus, the art and music is literally so fascinating, thanks for making this. seriously.


Different level of game, thank you for the experience.


This game was absolutely amazing. I could play it over and over again. 

Everything about this game was beautiful, and the message it left behind was extremely deep. The unnamed character was going through a lot. There were different ways to die, but also different ways to live. Everything that I saw in this game was relatable; the workplace, having a mask, being given "happy pills."

One subtle touch that I really liked was that we had to click on her head specifically, not just her body. It made me feel like I was tapping into her inner thoughts (which, I assume, was intentional.)

I can't really explain with words how emotionally impacted I was by this game. But thank you so much for creating this. Thank you for sharing  your story.


I really wan't to play this, but it says the unityplayer.DLL is missing. i opened it once without playing it, but after downloading other games it could not open! Please help.


Try googling this file and downloading it and putting it in Windows/system, or whatever folder the dll files are stored :) ?


I originally found this on game jolt so i thought. Just wanted to say i loved the message this game portrays. As someone who's lost a lot of people recently I really connected to this. Even if i don't say it in the video 


This was a beautiful surreal game that has everything, the art, music, even the subject matter. I cannot remember if there was ever a game that affected me so profoundly as this. I cannot wait to see what you come up with next.


Thank you so much for this incredibly beautiful game. Starting at the art style over the story and the dialogue it was an amazing experience!

I've been struggling with depression for a long time now so this hit close to home but I love how realistically you managed to portray those emotions despite the surreal setting of the game!


this game is beautiful 


Thank you so much for making the game. I really enjoyed it. It really is a beautiful and this game has a lot emotion in it. I really appreaciate it. Thank you.


A good way to remember why to stay.


You are a beautyfull human for showing this to us , it must have ben hard remembering everything you had to go through but I realy apreciate thet you let us know how you felt


This was a beautiful game. Beautiful arts, beautiful story, and it has such a deep meaning. I hope this game will help people to keep fighting. I recorded some of my gameplay, here is a link if anyone is interested:


I was watching Jacksepticeye play this game. It made me burst into tears. my family was there for me. Much to this game for showing what my feelings are and what depression was. i didn't know what it was i had it for a while this game showed it. i still go through Anxiety, Social Phobia/Anxiety and Depression but i know not to give up. Much love to all~!! <3

thank you for making  this's gorgeous in every way

Absolutely loved the artwork and music in this game! It definitely deals with some hard topics, but does it very gracefully. 

это лучшая игра, которую мне доводилось видеть, я буквально впал в любовь, здесь чувствуются эмоции, милый котик. Я с нетерпением жду эту игру на мобильные девайсы.

This game is really deep. You can tell by the games you create that there is a lot of emotion and, feeling than just telling a simple story. It goes past being a visual novel but, still remains being  a game.

My feelings for this game are bigger than words. Thank you for what you do <3

I just posted my gameplay video of this game below this post and you won't believe the feedback I've had on my Facebook! This game has brought so many people together. I've actually got a Friday weekly video that I post talking about games I've played through the week.

I'm going to post that hide here as I talk about the game and also mental health. I hope that's okay. If not I don't mind if this is deleted but i hope my video might help anyone struggling to cope 💙💚 I've left links in the videos description over at Youtube of various helplines you can call for help too 💚

Much love,


DCM Plays! You Left Me | STAY POSITIVE

This game hit me hard. I've personally dealt with Mental Health issues myself although i'm lucky enough to have overcame them I'm still building myself up to become a better person.

Thank you for this game! <3

This is a game you need to play !!!  The atmosphere will just suck you right in. Beautiful art work and fantastic music push you in even deeper into the story. This is a brilliant piece of work and if your reading this then give the game a play. Superb... :)

This game is amazing! I loved that it was so open with dealing with the tough subjects.

Enjoyed this game so much and I feel like the game just got better with each trip through looking forward to seeing more from you guys! 


whats the song playing on the start menu


the song is called "All About You" by Yung Sherman

I wrote about this gem here. Posted this under Ratings, but not sure if those are publicly viewable anywhere, 'cause I can't find them :P .

You might need Google Translate unless you speak Viking ;) .


Thank you - brilliant game. One question. The About text said it was based on real life + disassociative amnesia. Did you mean real life + studying dis associative amnesia, or that you have it?


Let me also just say, if you are really 19 and made this game, there is a future ahead of you in this craft for sure.

What can i say ...Weird experience ...realy deep .. i loved the game thanku devs !!


*dev. One person made this.

In 48 hours.


I just finished this game, and omg. This game gives you the empty and sad feeling. This feeling is so familiar to me, and probably to many others. This game shows you how it feels to have a depression and it shows you the feeling of losing someone. The feeling is horrible but so damn real. There are people who think depression is something that will pass if you just ''get over it'' and ''go outside and exercise''. People who say this should play this game, or people who want to know the feeling of depression. I've had a depression for 6 years now and I know what it feels like. Talking can help, so please do this. Tell people who care so they can help you and support you. And never forget, you are not alone. 

I would like to praise the art style and the effort that went in to this game. It was a emotional, beautiful and real experience. Thank you and love you!

Good little game about depression.

First of all...I cried. I cried like a baby after the video ended. I lost my mom when I was 13. And my sister 3 months after my mom. This is a stunning, and beautiful game, and I was happy I was given the chance to play it. Thank you for making such a game.

Is there anyway to buy/download the soundtracks from this game? perhaps the artist has it on spotify? would REALLY appreciate it! its freaking AMAZING!!!


Hit "About" in the main menu and she's listed the names of the songs, then take it from there :) .

Loved this game, I definitely plan on revisiting to try out all the different endings. It hit close to home with me, i really love these style games that make you actually feel something.

This game is extremely powerful and spreads a very impactful message that hits many. Definitely a game I recommend and exploring and damn it hits the heart strings a little. I know I didn't get all of the endings but I couldn't go on with the rest of them. It just broke my heart. Still such a well made and powerful game that will live on with me. 

This game, is amazing. I don't know how to explain it, but i love the way you program it! please keep up the good work!

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