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Amazing graphics and interesting story.


I'm such a big fan of the art style, and the music is fantastic. The last one I personally played was Missed Messages. Even with the heavy tones, it's worth a look from anyone.

I made a vid for it, and got a few of the different scenes. I didn't realize how many there was. Thank you for the amazing content.


Amazing work. I can´t believe such a short game is able to make me feel those emotions. I'll keep playing to try and get all endings :).


this game is so good! I've recommended it to some friends and I'm crying rn and its such a good game!


Attention Youtubers! If reaches out to you offering a sponsorship, DO NOT ACCEPT. I have no idea who she is, but if you download the game from you'll probably get some weird malware.

See screenshots of what to look out for here:

Thanks to @HistoryMarche and @aestaeticYT for bringing this to my attention.

This game is sooooooooooooo in amazing, I love it, thaks for this masterpiece. 


Most games/VN, make you feel like the choices you have are forced. This game, although there were no real choices, all felt natural and correct. I think that says a lot about your writing abilities and your connection to the MC. Hope this is benefitting to you and whoever else may find your message. Thank you.


From the art, to the music choice, everything about this game is so right! I love it! I felt so connected to this, if you are sensitive to suicide I would be careful, but I love this so much! Very well done!


This really hurt my feels gosh. The art is so beautiful and the good ending had me crying.

I love this so much!! Can I know what art program you use? 

Deleted post

Thank you!


Definitely something off about that cat.


It hit the feels man

Absolutely beautiful

Very well done 

I thoroughly enjoyed this and there’s still a lot more to uncover here !

Very nice game. The art is stunning as usual and the story, while short, is very impactful. I played through all the endings and enjoyed it a lot.

great game. i cried at each ending.. the haunting soundtrack and the art style was executed beautifully. ive played ur games and you handle such mature subjects in a wonderful manner. thanks for making this, and spreading awareness about mental health. <3 sincerely, a huge fan.

This is nice


-Made a Video. (Old Video)

Loved this game so much. Gave me goosebumps literally 5 minutes into playing. That's intense..

This was really good. Everything about this is just so eerily beautiful..

I come from part of the Streamer NicoCore

Men, i downloaded it without many expectations to play on my stream and wow, i cried my ass off. Beatifull artwork and even better sound design. Just perfect

This is so cool. This art style is everything

This is such a beautiful and unique game! I absolutly loved it! Keep up the good work!!


This game is very well made and atmospheric. But the themes can be really heavy so I would recommend you play it on a good and not a bad day. Love the artstyle.

i love this


i love the concept of this game. because it is pretty unique. the animation in this game is also 10/10 and the music is dope as heck! 
i have this mixed emotion while playing this game. i am happy that the game is amazing but also i am also saddened because i tried every scenarios but i always ended up in the same result.


I loved the art style and sense of reality it brought into the game. 

Emotional rollercoaster of a game. I tried to do things differently in every fashion over and over again. I played for about an hour so I could read all of the text (though I'm sure I still missed something). It's lovely. Thank you for sharing your work and story. Empath as I am, this one got me. 

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

This made me depressed. I keep trying to find a way to help this person out of it, but she dies every time, I cried several times playing this...

I mean, the game is very well made, you should definitely try it, there is rarely anyone as sensitive as me so most people wouldn't cry with this game


Super appreciate the spoilers. Good job.


Definitely doesn't always happen. So, if you can put yourself through some more, it's worth it to see the other side of things.

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

there are two really good choices. and one she doesnt die, you just need to read whats on the fridge.

It is a very triggering game. I initially loved it, but I've grown much more wary of it over time.

This game is amazing in everything: art, soundtrack, story, characters, ideas... I absolutely love it. But the cat was, by far, my favorite thing,

(1 edit)

This game is really well done. I was surprised by how much I liked it and how deep it was! Angela He, you and your team did a great job with this concept.

This game has such incredible artwork! It's beautiful. The music is well chosen. I enjoyed the interface and the ideas of the story.

It was very nice as I continue, note that I am speaking from heart, not from mind. This was outstanding artwork, deserving a quality title. A title that states it should be looked at like, 'This is what I respect' by everyone.

This game was very beautiful. The art style was very unique, the music was groovy (I personally love lo-fi and such), and the narrative was touching.

For a game that deals with depression, loneliness, and suicide, it was actually more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Most games that deal with these subjects are just... well, depressing, for lack of better words. This game, however, put it into a more approachable experience. I wouldn't recommend this game to someone who has been through depression, or is going through it, but for people that are looking to get in their feels, this game is a lot more digestible.

I have no complaints. If something could attain perfection then this game would come very close. I look forward to playing more games from this creator!

This game is completely wonderful, I seen a YouTuber play this. And this game made me realize that it's about handling suicide.

melhores jogos indies, onde You left me aparece
(1 edit) (+5)

Having reflected on this, I'm now of two minds on this game, in a large part because I think it can be very triggering to suicidal or near-suicidal players. Spoilers for entire game.

On the one hand, I still love this game for its strengths. The music choice is great, the art is beautiful, the mood and atmosphere are pulled off wonderfully, and I love the way Angela uses metaphors and a kind of surreal approach to tell her story -- flowers blooming in a subway car, a bed hovering miles over the earth, standing by a conveyor belt next to a line of people wearing packing boxes for heads, etc.

The problem is how it handles suicide. More to the point, how I fear it may trigger certain near-suicidal or suicidal people into hurting themselves.

Firstly, what feels like the "good ending" is to "Join" the person who has passed on. This is portrayed as a cute and ending, with soft piano music and two cute ghosts holding hands, united as they ascend into the sky. This is also the only ending that concludes the story, and isn't just  the character living for one more day. Which is an accurate portrayal of what it feels like to have hit rock bottom, but isn't very enocuraging to people who are actually there.

I know 13 Reasons Why likely has caused suicides, judging by a sharp spike in suicides, suicide attempts, and Google searches for suicide methods following its airing, and this is a kind of reminder of how media portraying suicide can affect people.

Secondly, because of the triggering nature of the theme, a game portraying topics such as suicide should have a note with resources you can contact if you are affected by the game. You Left Me lacks this, even though it to its credit has a warning upfront here on the game page that it explicitly handles suicide.

Because of this, I'm not sure if I can recommend this game, especially to people who struggle with mental illness themselves.


You should learn to have more faith in humankind and the resolute of favoring an end to suffering. This, for those who are at this stage do not decide to end their life, they decided they themselves would not like the world anymore. It is something that can not be helped or halted once in motion. As for the game, I had my best ending when the MC chose to honor the memories , maybe give it another shot.


Not sure what you're trying to say with your first sentence, but no, suicidal thoughts isn't something that "can't be halted once in motion", that's a very dangerous suicide myth. Suicidal thoughts don't have to result in an actual suicide, and people with such thoughts can be talked out of them, or not work up the nerve to actually kill themselves, particularly if you make it harder for them (putting up fences on bridges, for example). Myths like that suicidal people will kill themselves regardless make it harder for people to reach out to people with such thoughts.

I hate to be put in the position of the one arguing against all the good things you said, but I must. Maybe we have different experiences with such a personal matter and it has brought us to 180 in direction. My few experiences with suicide have been hard and real. The one common demoninator from both was that nothing was going to prevent them from happening. When someone has reached the end of the line in what they feel is enough pain, physical or mental, the only thing a person does when they interfere is add to the already agonizing predictament that the person is in. I will gladly give heed to NOT all suicides are this way nor do all suicide attempts want to die. But it is no myth, that there are some people in this world that for their own reasons they do not wish to endure or can not endure any longer, this is what I meant by my first sentence to the readers and you. It is not always best to get involved with a person whose mind is made up to end their existance and can often, not rarely, but often lead to a more dangerous or deadly road then the good samiritan is preparred to handle. Sometimes you must trust in humankinds self preservation that is in us all and step aside and let what will be done be done. As crazy as it may sound to you or someone like you, that is a selfish thing to inject your opinion onto one who has gone through it all and came to this conclusion. Afterall it is why there is now clinics that assist those who have made up their mind to die. The ones I have personal connection to felt what they were doing was right and only peace and fullfillment awaited them upon completion. There was no words or person who could do anything but harm them more by interfering. Thank you for replying back and sharring your mental picture of where you get your actions from.  I hope you accept my reply in the same manner of respect as it is sent with no ill intentions towards you at all. I would like to just add this one part, I did not indulge on what or whom I had experience with. With that being said, good and evil walk hand and hand down the road of life. Not always clearly defined which is which, until they come to a fork. Iti s at that fork that we must all make the decision on which way to go, and some can not make the right call for all the evil they may have brought onto others during their journey so far. If you encounter this person, hug them and let them go otherwise they may blame you for their actions afterwards, not be thankful for your stopping what they should have been able to do. That is no myth either, but true hate for the one who interfered. From me to you, keep on living and hopefully just by you living it will keep some alive without any action by you. 

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