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I love it with all of my soul...

This game is amazing. I love it dearly! its an amazing game and really hits the heart.

Arg, Start leads to black screen on Linux with Intel graphics / Mesa driver only. Will try again with Nvidia drivers installed and tell you how it goes. Otherwise, any way I can help you make it work on Linux / Mesa?

I had a look at the GitHub repo and I see 2 possible explanations:

- the version of TMPro used is not compatible with my platform (it's possible, since 2 years ago TMPro was not integrated in Unity, and could have totally supported only Windows and OSX)

- the LeanTween used at the beginning to show the Morning timer does not work on my platform

No worries though, I understand it's annoying to have to come back to an old jam game code, upgrade it to the last version of Unity because you've uninstalled the old one, make it compile again and then change something. So if it can't be done I'll just try again on Windows next.

Hi, I am a youtuber and hope to get some support from you guys by leaving a like and subscribe to my channel :). Please check out my gameplay of You left me.

I have only a few words to describe this game. It is outstanding and amazing. This game really explores the feelings one can get when you lose someone or when someone leaves you and the extent of how much you can miss them and how much you are willing to do to see them again where dying is even an option. The game also portrays members of society who can have hidden thoughts and agendas towards you and people who appear to care but just keep "secrets".

This is an awesome game and I hope that the creator will continue making games like this :). Thank you so much.

This game really hit me and is such a good way of showing how loosing somone can effect a person.

I've made exactly like some I saw in comment, I created my account to feedback you game.
It's not the 1st game I try on itch, but it's the 1st wich made me feel so much things. I made all different finish, and I can tell you that right now, I'm not feeling good at all and in the same time I'm so happy having played it. (as when I played Gris)
This game is wonderfull, the history is so well writed, and it touches me so deep inside. I hope you will do more games like this, it's really good to have games that can make me feel so much.
Thank you so much for this production <3


I hope you don't mind me asking, I am planning to make a very short 2D point and click game with dialogues and visual depth using Unity for my diploma at my graphic design school, I know absolutely nothing about how Unity works yet but I'm going to try learning, I was wondering if you had sources on how to begin and learn!

Have a great day!

It's been 7 days since you posted this, but does it have to be Unity? Of course it can be done with Unity but at the same time it's overkill. if you really want Unity, you can check out the free asset called Fungus.

There are open source solutions dedicated to such genres that make the whole process much easier.
Like Ren'Py is really good if you want a visual novel experience.

Thank you very much for the reply! Also, apologies for the late answer, I looked at a bunch of tutorials and I tried learning about fungus and other free assets, i'm slowly but surely working things out! Thanks a bunch!

I made an account just to say how much i loved this game! I just quickly played through to get all 5 endings and it left me with a sad bittersweet feeling. It hit close to home, and it really hit me in the feels. I love this game so much!

Beautiful game!

What a fantastic game with a powerful message. It really captures the feeling of depression and getting over loss. Art and music were really top notch, and I even managed to get all of the endings! (Even though some of them made me feel horrible) Thanks for the experience!

Just recently played the game. I didn't know what to expect, but I enjoyed playing it!

Just uploaded a video on your game You Left Me with one of my friends and we really enjoyed it! Wasn't exactly what we were expecting but, that's a good thing because it surprised me and ended up being better than I thought. I definitely could relate to the game with the whole loneliness and loss thing since I've experienced that myself. 


oH MY GOD I'm in so much shock right now. I've been using live portrait maker to design my characters for the longest time AND i loved wholesome cats?? I can't believe the same person is responsible for those and "i woke up next to you again". I didn't think there was any correleation and you have even more beautiful interesting looking games. I'm so excited!!!

Love the game, the kitten is so cute.

Will this game ever come out for the IOS? 


okay so.... can someone tell me the different endings i can get and how i can get them because i don't want to watch a youtube video.... i don't want to get spoilers of what'll happen ;-;

(8 edits) (+2)

You can get 5 endings:

(Get out of bed first)

  • Anywhere > Escape at last (This one is sometimes unavoidable)
  • Work > Roof > Fly
  • Clinic > Wait in line > My mask is cracking > Can I try something else instead? > Sounds great; thank you > Go home > Home > Take happy pills
  • Swain's lane, Highgates (You need to read the notes on the fridge and look out the window for this option to appear) > Give in
  • (The "True ending") Swain's lane, Highgates > Survive

There are other ways to get these endings, but these are the shortest.

Sometimes, certain options disappear or become corrupted. I don't know how that works, but you can always start over (you can find that in the settings). Corrupted options sometimes become accesible after you do something.

My favorites are the last 2. Be careful with the third one, you might not get it if you mess around with other options.


okay, thank you so much ^^  <3

(1 edit)

i dunno if you read the comments or not 

but your games really REALLY GOOD 

and your art style is beautiful! 

i don't have anything else to say but i like your games    ^-^

(1 edit)

Angela He, thank you for sharing such a personal experience with us.  Amazing artwork and visuals. 

Check this one out!

(1 edit) (+1)

I love this game so much! 

The music and artwork is so atmospheric!


The artwork of this game is amazing! It's a short adventure but it hits close to home for me. Best thing is no matter what, don't give in, don't give up.


I can download but can't play game ! :((

I know right I cant seem to play either!!


I pretty disappointed 


the download wont work it just gives me folders that have more folders in them

Deleted 2 years ago

how do you dowanload and play the game?


click download


and after that? bc it doesn't say play it gives me a folder

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Thankyou for making this game! It is a beautiful narrative that explores deep and complex emotions with a gripping story... here is my video on it:


Yo I played this game last year my subs enjoy. The game looks incredible and that music is cool and chill. I enjoy playing it. There was a strong message in the game. 


I cant play.. it wont let me encrypt the files. 

does anyone have any ideas on what to do?


Was not expecting this when I started... I streamed this yesterday evening, what got me to look at the game was the beautiful art but wasn't expecting some of the feels that the game gave me. I try to avoid spoiling games that I've never heard of before playing them on stream. Got a few endings within 37 minutes. I'd definitely suggest anyone to play this especially if you lost someone close as you might relate more (tried to be funny and not dwell too much on some of the more melancholic moments).

If you're interested in watching here you go:

I have no idea what I'm doing (stream archive)


Beautiful art and wistful story. We only played about 10mins but need to soak in the experience. The music is so good too. Reminds me of lo-fi hip-hop channel on youtube. 

My partner didn't even know there was a font called Audrey. :)


Great art,great story,great music


Absolutely stunning art and music, and beautiful story telling. You Left Me perfectly captures the surreal dream like quality when reality becomes hard to process. The only thing that could be improved would be if the clock and clickable text matched the rest of the game. It was quite pixelly for me, and I found it really distracting on what is an otherwise pretty polished experience.


I appreciate your visual style and art filling


I have made a fan art of this game!!

Can I post it on certain art sites?

(1 edit) (+1)

I played some and i LOVE IT and the first halve its kinda laggy so sorry lol

(1 edit) (+1)

The art is stunning, i loved playing it even if its heartbreaking


This is how i feel in real life no lie , But my deppression is leaving a little


I was in two minds to post this or not, I decided to post it regardless as some things just need to be seen. thank you for making this.


This game is absolutely gorgeous. As someone who's struggled with depression for a while,it's haunting in many ways. Very pretty soundtrack. Lovely art style. I would definitely recommend it.


This game was Honestly amazing. The art style you used looks great and fits the game so well. I ended up recording a video of this game and uploading it to YouTube. I got the Good ending on the first try and I really want to upload another video with the other endings but I'm not too sure if YouTube will allow it. 

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